Mt. Pulag Hike (via Akiki-Ambangeg Trail): Into the Frosty Embrace of Luzon's Highest Peak

Marlboro Hills in the Morning. Day 1 Camping spot before taking another day hike to reach the Summit 2922 MASL Major Climb Third Highest Mountain in the Philippines Philippine Difficulty 3/9 As the chilly wind of February blew, we were preparing for a highly anticipated climb. Mt. Pulag, Luzon's highest peak (2926 MASL) and third in the country, was the mountain we set our sights on. Photos all over the internet bring promises of the famous sea of clouds that can be seen from the mountain top. The challenge of the trail also enticed the group to test limits, to measure the extent of our physical prowess and the toughness of our mind to overcome extremities. We chose to take part in an activity organized by Challenge the Summit Group with Akiki-Ambangeg as the chosen trail on February 23-25. Akiki Trail lived up to its other name which is "The Killer Trail".But as scary as it may sound, the euphoria of the rewarding new sceneries and discoveries covered up ...