Mt. Babag, First Mountain in 2018 .

This little house on a prairie. On the way to Muffin Peak, Mt. Babag, Cebu. January 6, 2018|Saturday.

 " The postman wants an autograph.The cab driver wants a picture. The waitress wants a handshake .Everyone wants a piece of you ."- John Lennon

I started joining the band of mountaineers for almost two years now and in that span of time, the hype of going out and seeing what the mountains offer have been in a great roar. To start the year right, the first mountain climbed by my colleagues and I from work was Mt. Babag in Cebu.It's the most accessible mountain in the city and has an easy trail.Also, with the work schedules some of my workmates have (some have work on Sunday night), it was just the right place we were looking for to spend our weekend. 

The date we chose was January 6. It's a two-day hike and the trail we followed was Mt. Babag-Muffin Peak-Pamutan .Our rendezvous was in Guadalupe Church . The jump-off point was in Barangay Napo, Guadalupe where you have to ride on a motorcycle for 20Php/head to get there. We started walking at around 1:30 PM , reached Mt. Babag's  peak at five and reached the Muffin Peak where the campsite was at around 6:30 PM. 

When we arrived at the campsite, given that it's late, there were around eight pitched tents on the peak. Setting up our tents, food preparation some music, enjoying the scenery and appreciating the cold temperature after hours under the heat of the sun, came next.When you are in the mountains, your appetite just shoots up to a higher level than normal (after all the exhaustion) and you'll like your food better .Eating becomes a rewarding ritual. What's more valuable when doing a lot of walking and observing those city lights from afar, is the stress-relief it offers. Nature's beauty has a way to silence all those roundabout thoughts and the pressure coming from all directions when you are within the city doing all the adult stuff you have to. No wonder a whole lot of population would like to get a piece of what Mother Nature has to offer. 

Our decampment was at 7 AM the next day and we followed the Pamutan trail back to Guadalupe. We arrived in Guadalupe at around 12:00 PM. -Mariel

Joiners: Nico(Lead), Glenn, Dale,Franz,Tin


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