Mt. Tres Marias with Sambawan Island Side Trip: From Hikers' Foggy Haven to a Delightful Sea Escape

Nature's Gift
One of the cool and clean cascades in the mountains of Tres Marias.

1315 MASL
Major Climb
Philippine Difficulty: 5/9
September 3, 2018. The US Labor Day created an opportunity for a long vacation. Vacation for us means either an arduous trek in the mountains or a relaxing dip in seawater. This time, we had both the exciting combination of the summit and the sea.

Mt. Tres Marias (1315+ MASL) the second highest mountain in Region VII, is comprised of three peaks. We decided to hike the third peak. We had the best guide, Sir Kyle who helped us even with our side trip arrangements. You can contact Sir Kyle at 0915 569 2569.

The following is our trip itinerary:

August 31, 2018
10:00 PM Departure: Joyful Stars Boat- Robles Shipping-  Php 455.00 economy with bed

September 1, 2018
4:00 AM Arrival at Ormoc Pier
6:00-8:00 AM Van to Naval - Php 130.00
8:30-9:30 AM Motorcycle to Jump off Php 150.00 per motorcycle (Php 75. 00 each for two persons)
9:30 AM to 3:30 Hike to Campsite

September 2, 2018
8:00 AM-2:00 PM Descend from Campsite with Ulan-ulan Falls Sidetrip
2:00-3:00 PM Motorcycle to Kawayan Port - Php 100
3:00-4:00 PM Motorboat to Sambawan Island- Php 3000 back and forth good for 5-8 pax (we're 5 in the group so 600/pax)
Additional Expenses:
Guide Fee 1500 (750/day, 300/pax)
Php 50.00/pax Tres Marias Environmental Fee
Php 500 overnight open cottage rent

September 3, 2018
11:30-1:00 PM Back to Kawayan Port
1:00-1:30 PM Motorcycle to Naval Van Terminal - Php 100.00
1:30-4:00 PM Lunch+Van Ride to Ormoc - Php 130.00
4:00-9:00 PM Free Time
10:00 PM Departure from Ormoc Port via Lite Shipping - Php 475.00 economy with bed

Total per person (excluding food and expenses on buying souvenirs): Php 2515.00

What follows are the collected pictures of our trip. If you're the type who likes to be surprised with new sceneries better stop scrolling down. Now if you'd like to whet your appetite in experiencing a hike on the mountains of Tres Marias then finishing things with a sea relaxation in the heavenly island of Sambawan then go ahead and see what awaits you.

To Ormoc We Go. Joyful Stars-Robles Shipping

Early Birds

Last Buy at Naval Market
We secured our food at Naval Market which is just steps away from the Van terminal.

On the way to Jump off Point
The motorcycles on the area have the custom-built roof which proved to be a useful shield from the heat of the sun, additional convenience for a long ride.

A Muddy Start
On the first part of the climb is an almost half kilometer muddy trail. The road is undergoing construction and the rain brought about the soft and slippery path.

River Trek
Almost half of the climb was river trekking. Expect to see a lot of water and huge rocks. You can just bring a liter of water for the climb as water sources are everywhere.

One of Many
There are a lot of waterfalls in the area. Small ones, yet will never cease to amaze you.

Invitation for a Swim
With the abundance of waterfalls around, you know what comes next in mind... swimming in catch basins! We just passed this one. Though there are several swimming areas like this one along the trail.

Perfect Spot to Jump

The Jungle Feels
We were expecting to see a green viper as the mountain is famous for being infested with this type of snake. It was a rainy day and maybe the rain chased the snakes away as two us did see one but the snake quickly hid among the rocks.

Lunch Stop Over
We spent an hour here. Taking a dip in the river and eating our lunch.
A Rewarding Rest
Swimming in the cool depths.

Fog Here and Everywhere
What's best is that the area was just covered with fog for like almost all of the time. That magical feel when fog surrounds you...

The Campsite
Chilling after almost 6 hours of hiking.

Food for the Night

The Group
The first one on the left side is our guide Sir Kyle. Many thanks Sir for the superb assistance.

Out-and-back Trail
We did a backtrack of the trail when we descended. The rain was pouring heavily and we had to take extra care with our steps. 

Help Needed on Slippery Rocks
The moss covered rocks required balancing skills and some help from the group.

Careful Steps Here
This path was created by a landslide.

A Little Sunshine
Here's how the trail looks like when you're not on the rocky path.

Ulan ulan Falls Stop Over
What could help more on our tired muscles and joints other than this refreshing swim?

And then the side trip to Sambawan Island...

The Arrival
A Serene and Lovely Place
Eye Candy
You can climb the topmost part of the island and experience the stunning view it offers.

Etched in Memories
On the other side of the island is this perfect spot, top of the line beauty.

Hurray for this Well-Deserved Vacation!


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