Mt Manuggal: A Zigzag Adventure

1003 MASL
Minor Climb 
Philippine Difficulty 3/9
Balamban, Cebu

We decided to spend our weekend on this historic mountain in Cebu. It was Saturday and after our shift. The expected duration of the climb to the campsite is 3 hours. On the second day, when we descended from the campsite, we got lost on the trail and spent more hours than intended but thankfully everyone was safe and we ultimately find the way to the main road and arrived home without injuries. 

Start of the hike. View from the main road.

Waiting for the rest of the group

The expected uphill

More of the cemented uphill

More walk 

View long the way

Breathtaking view

Entrance near the campsite

Much nearer towards the campsite now

The campsite at last

The campsite has comfort rooms which most of the campsites don't have

Plenty of space for campers

Ex President Ramon Magsaysay's monument in memory of the airplane crash which took his life

Quick click 

Night falls

Second day hike

Happy faces 

More of the trail

The landmark before we got lost lol

Now we're lost 

But we managed to find the way back to the main road.


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