Rainy and Muddy Peregrination: Budlaan, Sirao, Kan-irag

Instead of staying in the city to celebrate the Sinulog festival, the group decided to spend time in the mountains. The trail this time is from Budlaan to Sirao, and Kan-irag. The group hopped on a jeepney to the jump-off point in Talamban. Instead of taking a motorcycle, we decided to hike from the paved road towards the trail. 
Start or the hike
Uphill cemented path
Much needed rest
The struggle starts 
More struggle to overcome 

Because of the heavy rain, the river was muddy and deeper than expected. The next part of the hike is river trek, we have to pass by a long trail with these big, slippery rocks and raging waters.We got lost at the beginning of the hike but at last, we were able to find the right path. Time to soak those shoes wet. 
Conquering the river

The current was strong, assistance needed
Careful on these slippery rocks
Rest and replenish 
Safe zone at the sideline
Extra careful along these rocks
Still fighting
More rocks to conquer before reaching the waterfall
Muddy waters but still lovely
Photo with the waterfall
More rest before proceeding
The other trail, lucky that we need not go through this dangerous rappel
Enjoying this another waterfall

After the river hike, we proceed to the next part of the hike. 

Here comes the open trail. 

More of the open trail

The group stops by for lunch.

The hike continued to more grassy uphills

View from the trail

Closing the distance towards the peak

The group enjoying more of the view. 

Cogon grasses all over the place as the group ascends

Much needed rest after a never-ending uphill

Towards the peak

Peak at last!

Enjoying more of the view

Exiting the mountain now

Hurray! End of Hike


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